Newcastle West Rugby Club

Founded 1924

Co. Limerick

AGM 2022-2023 season

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The AGM of Newcastle West RFC for 2022/2023 season will take place in Whelans Back Bar on Thursday 22th June at 7.30pm.

The agenda is as follows:
Minutes of previous AGM
President’s Report
Chairperson’s Report Youth Officer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Captain’s Report
Coach’s Report
Election of Officers
Notice of Motions *

Thank you all for your support throughout the season. The club has now got to a point where if we want it to continue to grow and prosper we urgently need more volunteers for the committee and also the various working groups that keep the club operating. These working groups are essential for the smooth running of the club, they cover finance/fundraising, fields, youths, family day, and social media. If you would be interested in volunteering for any of these groups please let a member of the committee know.
Yours in Rugby,
Mark Dowling Hon. Secretary

* Any motion to change the rules of the club (the Constitution) must be delivered in writing to the Hon Secretary of the club not later than 14 days before the holding of the AGM. Motions will be accepted up to 9 p.m. on the evening in question. The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to accept any amendment to a notice of motion which is within the scope of the said motion. Any motion or amendment to change the rules of the club requires at least a 2/3 majority.
Nominations for officer positions must be delivered in writing, signed by proposer and seconder, to the Hon Secretary of the club, not later than 7 days before the AGM. Nominations will be up to 9 p.m. on the night in question. Nominations for officer positions will not be accepted on the night of the AGM; candidates for all other committee positions can be proposed and seconded on the night of the AGM.

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